An irreverent, crass, and sometimes politically incorrect podcast full of borderline illegal stories from first and second generation local Irish.

Blarney /ˈblärnÄ“/
Noun - Talk which aims to charm, flatter, or persuade (often considered typical of Irish people).
Amusing and harmless nonsense. - Oxford English Dictionary

Episode 1: Welcome
Politics, Pubs, Parades, + the Parish is a fun (and hopefully funny) series of interviews with people you most likely know, telling stories that seem to get better with age. From the early forays into politics, the St. Patrick’s Day shenanigans, and of course, the crazy drunken bar stories and more.

Episode 2: Bill Scully
A legend in Irish circles, known for his quick wit, rich voice, iconic mustache, and unique golf game (yes, he’s been known to putt from sand traps). As the long-time proprietor and host of McGovern’s Tavern, he’s become a beloved figure in the community.

Episode 3: Gerry Lenihan
Gerry Lenihan is the retired Director of Security at Seton Hall Law School and Essex County Prosecutor’s Office. A proud community leader, he has served as Grand Marshal and General Chairman of both the Newark Parade and the New Jersey Irish Festival.

Episode 4: Tom Giblin
Tom Giblin is the former Assemblyman for New Jersey’s 34th Legislative District. Business Manager for Union Local 68, IUOE. He’s also served as President of the Essex County Freeholder Board, Essex County Surrogate, and both Essex County and New Jersey Democratic State Chairman.

Episode 5: Sean McGovern
Sean McGovern is a former Roseland Councilman, Newark-based attorney, and was one of the renowned proprietor of the iconic McGovern’s Tavern in Newark that was first opened by Frank McGovern in 1936 and still going strong nearly after 90 years.

Episode 6: Jim Lowney
A veteran journalist raised in Hillside and now residing in Toms River. A former photographer for The Newark Evening News and writer for The New York Times and Asbury Park Press. For over 30 years, he’s been a celebrated columnist for the Irish Echo.

Episode 7: Tom Barrett
Tom Barrett is a senior partner at the public relations firm Barrett & Mottola. A Villanova University graduate with advanced degrees in literature and creative writing, he served as Public Information Director for multiple Essex County agencies, earning top honors from the National Association of Counties. He was a pledged delegate to Hillary Clinton in 2008 and 2016 and to Barack Obama in 2012. Tom is currently a member of the Millburn Municipal Democratic Committee.

Ep. 8: Drew Bauman/Fr. Andy Prachar
Drew Bauman served the Sacred Heart parish as a priest from the late 1970's to 1982. Mr. Bauman has also served as the Court Guardian of the person and property of more than 300 people. Fr. Andy Prachar, a proud "Newark Boy," graduated from Seton Hall University and served the Sacred Heart Parish in Vailsburg and then as Pastor of the Church of the Little Flower in Berkeley Heights. He is currently the pastor at St. Bartholomew Church in Scotch Plains.

Ep. 9: Richard "Dick" Codey
Richard Codey served as the 53rd governor of New Jersey from 2004 to 2006 and represented the 27th Legislative District in the New Jersey Senate from 1982 to 2024 (President of the Senate from 2002 to 2010). He is the longest-serving legislator in New Jersey history. Codey’s leadership left a lasting impact on Essex and Morris Counties.

Episode 10: Joe Brennan
Joe Brennan is a retired three-term Essex County Surrogate and twice-elected West Orange Council President. A decorated Vietnam War veteran and proud community leader, he also served as Grand Marshal of the West Orange Irish Parade. He practices law representing small businesses and individuals in real estate.

Episode 11: Margo & Joe McCormack
Margo was the President of the Vailsburg Young Dems, Vice President of the Essex County and Orange Young Dems, and First Runner-Up Miss Irish American. A lifetime member of the St. Patrick's Day Kazoo Band and Women of Irish Heritage. Joe was the bartender at Bottom of the Barrel, owner of McCormack's Pub, and owner of Fairchild's Market.

Episode 12: Bill, Tom, & Tom
Bill Scully, Tom Barrett, and Tom Giblin - whose friendship spans for decades - join together in this podcast episode talking about the intriguing politics of the St. Patrick Day's Parade, the Irish and their relationship to the Union, why and how the Irish often found work in fire and the police, and all about Pat Dodd, a legendary figure in New Jersey politics.

Ep. 13: Bill Scully on Maura
Bill Scully talks about Maura, his beloved wife of 60 years.

Ep. 14: Brendan O'Flaherty
Brendan O’Flaherty is an economics professor at Columbia University for over 30 years and previously served as aide to Kenneth Gibson, Newark's first African-American mayor. He is also a trustee of the Newark Historical Society.

Ep. 15: Sean O'Neill
Sean O’Neill has been an operating engineer in New Jersey for over 40 years, serving as Chief Engineer at SJP Properties. He was honored as the Grand Marshal of the 2019 Newark St. Patrick's Day Parade.

Ep. 16: Jim Tansey/Donnie Gilmartin
Jim Tansey is the First Assistant Prosecutor in Union County. He is also a trustee, division adjutant, and 2013 Grand Marshal of the Union County St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Donnie Gilmartin is a founding member/Past President of Essex County Police & Fire Emerald Society and 2008 Newark St. Patrick's Day Parade Grand Marshal.

Ep. 17: James Zazzali
James Zazzali, a Newark Native, was appointed by Governor Whitman in 2001 to serve as an Associate Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court, and in 2006 was appointed Chief Justice by Governor Corzine. After his retirement from the court, he joined Gibbons P.C. as counsel and rejoined Zazzali P.C. also as counsel.

Ep. 18: Joe Cryan, Cissy Donohue & Eileen Birch
Joe Cryan is the State Senator for the 20th Legislative District and former Union County Sheriff, General Assembly Majority Leader, and Democratic State Committee Chair. He is joined with his sisters, Mary "Cissy" Donohue and Eileen Birch, all natives of Newark's Vailsburg.